Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shoebox Diorama: Cherokee of the Southwest Region

Fun and creative 4th Grade project using twigs, small rocks, plastic horse, construction paper and a shoe box. Cherokee diorama of the southwest region.

My ten year old said the blonde girl is trading a doll to the Native American girl for pottery, a basket of fruit and a necklace.


  • Shoe box
  • Small pebbles and twigs
  • Plastic horse
  • Construction paper
  • Hot glue gun and sticks
  • The people and pottery were made with Sculpey III Polymer Clay and baked in an (toaster) oven.
  • The forest images were printed and glued on the inside of shoe box and the outside of the shoe box (not shown).
  • The twigs are hot glued together and all the pieces, even the horse, are hot glued to the base of the box. 


Nutribullet Recipe with Blueberries: Highest Antioxidants!

Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capabilities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings! That is saying a lot considering what's out there.

I added a handful of blueberries to these ingredients this morning:

1/4 Avocado 
2 TBS. Sunflower Seeds
6 Chunks Frozen Pineapple
1 Banana
10 Almonds
Handful of Organic Frozen Blueberries (always use organic blueberries )

This smoothie has a fruit taste rather than a green taste. The Blueberries also change the color from its normal bright green to a grey color. 

Looks horrible but it tastes great!


Monday, May 19, 2014

NutriBullet Recipe with Zucchini: 8 Great Health Benefits

This morning I added zucchini to my smoothie. Vegetables have some amazing benefits when you begin to research and learn about them. I believe the body can heal itself, given the tools it needs but it's not an easy road, endurance and patience are required.

In my case food has changed from 'eat whatever I want, whenever I want', to using food as a medicine for healing my body. My morning smoothie is one of those tools.

Zucchini is one of those vegetables with amazing benefits

10% of the RDA for fiber
Lowers Cholesterol (Fiber, A, C)
Cancer prevention, Particularly Colon Cancer (Fiber)
Prostate Health (Phytonutrients)
Anti-Inflammatory Agents (Vitamins A,C and Copper)
Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention (Folate and 10% RDA of Magnesium)
Lowers Blood Pressure (Potassium and Magnesium)
High in Manganese (19% of the RDA)

The Zucchini has benefits I am definitely in need of, except 'prostate health'. 

Here are the ingredients in my Zucchini Smoothie:

6 Chunks Frozen Pineapple
1/4 Avocado
2 TBS Raw Sunflower Seeds
10 Almonds

This smoothie has a green taste, rather than a fruity taste. I also added 6 ice cubes because I like it very cold. 


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nutribullet Liver Detox Recipe: RADISHES!

Radishes are amazing for all their benefits. They detox the liver and support the thyroid! Radishes will be a daily ingredient in my smoothies.

I added three small red radishes to my NutriBullet smoothie. I expected the taste of the radishes to be overwhelming but it wasn't. It could be because I throw everything but the kitchen sink in my smoothies.

Nutribullet Smoothie Ingredients

1/4 Avocado
1 Banana
3 small red radishes
10 almonds
6 chunks frozen pineapple
2 TBS. sunflower seeds
Handful of mixed organic salad greens
Organic Flaxseed/Chia seed mix

~ Lisa~

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Nutribullet and My Hypothyroidism, PCOS, High Blood Pressure, Fatigue, Shingles

I was 203 pounds, hypothyroid, have PCOS, high blood pressure, turning 50 soon and recently broke out with shingles on my face. Add that in with the stress, anxiety and constant fatigue, I had to improve my health. Every day was exhausting.

If you haven't got your health, you don't have anything. That saying is so true.
I bought Nutri Bullet on March 25, 2014 and starting using it. I've used it every morning since. It wasn't about losing weight to look better. If I never lost a pound, as long as I felt better, I would be happy.

For me, when I got past 'dieting', losing weight so I would be prettier to myself and other people, that's when changes started taking place. It was about my health and that was all.

So fast forward to today, May 17, 2014.

  • My blood pressure is consistently normal.
  • I can better handle stress and anxiety.
  • I've lost the desire to eat anything processed.
  • My energy level has improved (but not as much as I would like).
  • Occasional constipation is no longer a problem.
  • And I have lost 13 pounds from eating healthier
For me, the Nutribullet hasn't been the ....instant miracle... it has for many people but my health is improving, though it's not entirely because of the Nutribullet. 

These are things I did to improve my health that the Nutribullet couldn't do for me:
  • No processed foods of any kind
  • No wheat, soy, sugar, dairy or breads
  • Stopped eating after 5:00 PM
  • Drink a smoothie for 7:00AM (breakfast), snack at 9:00AM, lunch at 12:00PM, snack at 3:00 PM
If it's not a real food, I don't want it. Chips, candy, soft drinks, ice cream....poison for your body. All it will do is make you fatter and sicker. I eat as clean (organic and non-GMO), simple and healthy as I possibly can with: 
  • Fish 
  • Hormone Free Chicken
  • Occasional Venison
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables  

That might seem drastic and impossible to a lot of people but when you get sick enough it's very easy to give up anything to get your health back.

The Nutri Bullet is worth the cost and the effort. I have enjoyed buying the nutritious, fresh ingredients for my morning smoothie. On the couple of mornings I didn't have my smoothie, I really missed it because I love the taste (most of them anyway) and the morning energy boost it gives me.

~ Lisa


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Three Favorite Minecraft Skins for Girls with Links: Hoodie Girl, Strong Girl, Domo Girl

To use Minecraft skins, go to https://minecraft.net/. Login with your username and password. Click on profile at the top of the page. 

Click on 'Choose file' to pick a skin from your computer.

Then click upload. That's it! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Minecraft 1.7.2: Sixteen Best Mods that Work, with Links - How to Install Forge and Mods

Mods Included in this post are: Penny Arcade, Candycraft, MrCrayfish's Furniture, Backpacks, Buildcraft, Decocraft, Iron Chests, Magic Wands, More Swords, Teeluk's Special Armor, Dogs Cats Plus, Little Blocks, Mo' Drinks, Lots of Food, Plants vs Zombies and ThaumCraft.

My daughter enjoys playing Minecraft. But when it comes to FINDING and INSTALLING mods that actually work and don't BREAK the game, that's my thing to do since it's too complicated for my ten year old.

She finds a mod she likes then I take over to find the correct download link that isn't unwanted software or a sneaky browser addons. I really have to look at the page closely to make sure I'm getting only the .jar file or .zip file (or whatever) of the mod she wants.

Sometimes I go through all the steps to get and install the mod only to find that I have to remove it because it breaks the game. Grrrrr......Very frustrating process.

Getting ready for Mods in 3 Steps 

(I use Windows 7)
Step 1: