I have tried using different financial sites with all the bells and whistles but the problem was too many bells and whistles. I simply didn't need all that. I also didn't like the idea of my financial information (account numbers, etc.) being so exposed.
What I have been using for two years has helped me avoid late fees. It's free and simple to set up and use.
I use OpenOffice.org to make my 'bill payment table'. If you don't have it you can download it free, here.... http://www.openoffice.org/
In Windows XP (what I use), go to Start>All Programs>OpenOffice.org 3.3>OpenOffice.org Writer.
When you are ready to create your first table, go to the table icon on the toolbar.
Here's an image of the table icon if you're not sure where that is.
Next, decide how many columns you want. The way I built my table is with six columns across and thirteen rows down. I have these columns across:
Due Date
Pay Date
Amount (of payment)
Balance (if any)
Confirmation number
If you pay bills online, you'll often get a confirmation number after you completed a payment. Recording the confirmation number can be valuable if payment of the bill is questioned.
See the image below of the table icon with six columns and thirteen rows selected.
You table should look like this:
(Click image to enlarge)
Tips for your table:
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